InCell VR This game allows players to travel to the microcosm of the human bodywhere they will have to fight diseases and viruses to save people from diseases. . Titans of Space This game allows players to travel around the solar system to learn more about the planets and other celestial bodies in our galaxy.
How to use Google Cardboard VR to create virtual environments? Google Country Email List Cardboard VR can be used to create virtual environments through the use of virtual reality technology. To do thisyou must first obtain the appropriate equipmentsuch as VR glasses or goggles. Then you need to configure the device and connect it to a couter or other mobile device.
The next step is to create a virtual environment that can be ilemented using D content creation software such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Once the environment is createdit must be configured and adapted to the user's needs reality and stay in the scenery you have created. What are the latest trends in Google Cardboard VR applications.